Showcase the Elegant Arms You Desire

Leave the desire to hide your arms in the past with The Warner Institute's transformative arm lift procedure. Our caring team is dedicated to helping you achieve elegantly sculpted and toned upper arms, enhancing your overall aesthetic for an added boost of confidence.

What is an Arm Lift?

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to address sagging skin and excess fat in the upper arms, offering a more toned and contoured appearance. This aesthetic enhancement involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the arm region, typically extending from the underarm to the elbow. The procedure aims to create a smoother, firmer contour, helping you achieve arms that align with your desired aesthetic goals.

The Benefits of an Arm Lift

An arm lift offers numerous benefits, both aesthetic and functional. The key advantages of an arm lift include:

Comfortable Clothing Fit:

Enjoy greater comfort and ease in clothing choices.

Enhanced Arm Contour:

Achieve a more sculpted and defined appearance.

Improved Arm Mobility:

Enhance flexibility and range of motion in the arms.

Increased Confidence:

Experience improved self-esteem with transformed arms.

Youthful And Toned Look:

Attain a more youthful and rejuvenated aesthetic.

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Is an Arm Lift Right for Me?

An arm lift is ideal for individuals bothered by excess skin, fat, or a lack of arm definition, often resulting from weight loss or aging. Anyone experiencing sagging skin in the upper arms may benefit from this procedure. If you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your arms and desire a more toned look, an arm lift could provide the improved contour you seek. Many arm lift patients find that more than diet and exercise are needed to achieve their desired arm appearance. If this resonates, we encourage you to schedule your consultation with our team, in which we can determine the right approach to address your needs and goals.

The Arm Lift Procedure – What to Expect

We strategically address excess skin and fat in the upper arms during an arm lift to create a more contoured and defined appearance. This procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, ensuring your comfort throughout. We carefully make incisions along the inner or back side of the arms, depending on individual considerations, such as your anatomy, skin quality, and the extent of correction needed, while minimizing visible scarring. Excess skin and fat are removed through these incisions, and the underlying tissues may be tightened for enhanced tone. The duration of your surgery varies based on the extent of correction needed but generally ranges from two to four hours. The combination of our meticulous tissue removal and precise reshaping contributes to achieving a more sculpted and rejuvenated look in the arms.

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Why Choose The Warner Institute?

Choose The Warner Institute for your arm lift procedure and experience the unparalleled expertise of renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Jeremy Warner, and the top-tier team he leads. Thanks to our patient-centered approach, your unique needs and aesthetic goals are always prioritized. Driven by innovation and backed by years of experience, The Warner Institute ensures that each arm lift procedure is tailored to provide natural-looking, sculpted results.

Arm Lift Recovery

Following an arm lift, some initial swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort are common but temporary side effects. We may prescribe medications to manage any pain or discomfort during the early stages of recovery. Patients typically wear compression garments to support the healing process and minimize swelling. While light activities can be resumed within a week, strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for about four to six weeks. Attending follow-up appointments at The Warner Institute is key in order to address any concerns and ensure your recovery is on track. The full results of the arm lift become more apparent as the swelling subsides, revealing smoother, firmer, and more toned arms. It is imperative to adhere to our postoperative guidance for a successful recovery and optimal aesthetic outcomes.

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