Refine Your Nose And Radiate Confidence

Discover the artistry of rhinoplasty at The Warner Institute, where Dr. Jeremy Warner, a leading expert in facial plastic surgery, provides top-tier rhinoplasty in Chicago. With a wealth of experience, he takes pride in helping patients from Northfield and beyond achieve their aesthetic goals through personalized and precise rhinoplasty procedures.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, often called a "nose job," is a surgical procedure designed to reshape and enhance the nose's appearance. The nose plays a pivotal role in facial aesthetics and overall harmony. When the nose is disproportionate, malformed, crooked, or prominently stands out, it can lead to significant distress. This procedure can address a wide range of concerns, including modifying the size and shape of the nose, refining the nasal tip, narrowing nostrils, or correcting structural issues that may impede breathing.

The transformative potential of nasal surgery is profound, offering patients not only an improved physical appearance but also a deep sense of self, enhanced psychological well-being, and increased self-confidence. Beyond its cosmetic benefits, rhinoplasty can also have a functional component, improving airflow and overall nasal function. It's a highly customizable procedure that can be tailored to meet the unique goals and needs of each patient, resulting in a harmonious and balanced facial appearance.

Is Rhinoplasty Right For Me?

Rhinoplasty is an ideal procedure for individuals who are seeking to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of their nose. Whether you wish to correct structural irregularities, address cosmetic concerns, or improve your breathing, rhinoplasty in Chicago can be a suitable option. If you have specific issues like a prominent nasal hump, wide nostrils, asymmetry, or breathing difficulties, rhinoplasty can help you achieve your desired outcome. Dr. Warner is a leading expert in rhinoplasty, and his guidance allows us to assess your needs and guide you through the process for the best possible results. To determine if rhinoplasty is the right choice for you, schedule a consultation with The Warner Institute, where we will assess your needs and tailor the procedure to your individual goals. During your consultation, Dr. Warner utilizes the Vectra 3D X-T imaging system. This revolutionary technology allows for meticulous planning and visualization of your ideal outcome. Dr. Warner leverages this cutting-edge tool to craft personalized surgical strategies, setting a new standard in facial plastic surgery.

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The Rhinoplasty ProcedureWhat To Expect

Dr. Warner is an expert in facial plastic surgery – as the leader of our practice, we conduct rhinoplasty with a strong emphasis on aesthetics and functionality. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, ensuring your comfort throughout. We make precise incisions, often within the nasal passages or on the external tissue between your nostrils, to access the underlying structures. Then, we sculpt the nasal bones and cartilage to achieve the desired shape. Rhinoplasty typically takes 1-4 hours, with the exact duration depending on the complexity of your case.

When it comes to rhinoplasty, there are two primary techniques employed: open and closed. The choice between these techniques depends on your unique needs and the goals of the procedure. In the open approach, a small incision is made across the columella, the strip of skin between the nostrils, allowing optimal visibility and precision during the surgery. In contrast, the closed technique involves incisions within the nostrils, ensuring no visible scarring but providing limited access for complex procedures. We will recommend the most suitable approach based on your case to achieve the desired results while prioritizing your comfort and safety.

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The Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Nose surgery in Chicago offers numerous aesthetic and functional benefits. This procedure can significantly enhance your quality of life with the following perks:

  • Boost self-confidence: Many patients experience a significant boost in self-confidence and self-esteem after addressing long-standing cosmetic concerns.
  • Correct asymmetry and irregularities: This procedure can address asymmetrical features and abnormalities in the nose, ensuring a more symmetrical and pleasing look.
  • Enhance facial balance and proportion: Rhinoplasty helps improve the overall balance and harmony of the face, creating a more harmonious and attractive facial appearance.
  • Improve breathing: Correcting structural issues that may impede breathing, rhinoplasty enhances airflow and overall comfort.
  • Narrow nostrils: For those with wide nostrils, rhinoplasty can narrow them to create a more balanced and propionate nasal appearance.
  • Natural-looking results: With the expertise of our team, you can expect natural-looking, tailored results that complement your unique facial features.
  • Refine nasal tip: Rhinoplasty can refine and reshape the nasal tip, reducing any bulbous appearance and achieving a more delicate, attractive appearance.
  • Rejuvenate facial appearance: Rhinoplasty can provide a more youthful and rejuvenated facial appearance, contributing to a more vibrant look.
  • Reshape the nasal bridge: The surgery can reshape the nasal bridge, eliminating humps or depressions, resulting in a smoother, more even profile.
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Why Choose The Warner Institute?

Choosing The Warner Institute in Northfield for your rhinoplasty procedure means you are placing your trust in a leader of facial plastic surgery. Dr. Jeremy Warner is double board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. His rare distinction as one of the few U.S. practitioners to complete a facial plastic surgery fellowship underscores our team's dedication to the highest standard of care. Whether you are in Chicago seeking nose surgery or coming from further afield, we are committed to crafting a nose that enhances your natural beauty and elevates your confidence. Begin your journey to a more refined nose by scheduling a consultation with The Warner Institute now.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

The rhinoplasty recovery phase involves a period of downtime as your body heals. You can anticipate some swelling and bruising, typically mild to moderate, and these side effects tend to subside within two weeks. Most patients can resume work activities within one to two weeks, but you should avoid strenuous exercise for at least three weeks. We will schedule follow-ups to monitor your progress and ensure your healing process is on track. Around one week after the surgery, we will remove the cast.

During your follow-up visits, feel free to discuss any concerns, and you'll receive guidance on optimizing your results. The ultimate objective is to attain a nose that harmoniously complements your overall facial aesthetics. Initial results will gradually become visible in the weeks post-surgery, with the complete refinement of your nose evolving over the subsequent year. As the swelling diminishes and your nose settles into its permanent, sculpted shape, the true beauty of the transformation will become increasingly apparent.

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Rhinoplasty FAQ

I've heard I can have rhinoplasty without surgery – is this true?

Does insurance cover my rhinoplasty surgery?

Will I be awake or asleep for surgery?

Will I have to stay in the hospital after surgery?

I want my nose to be smaller, but I want to maintain my ethnic look. Is this possible?

Will my nose look natural after rhinoplasty? I don't want to look like I had my nose "done."

Why is my surgeon talking about my chin during my rhinoplasty consultation?

What is the difference between open and closed rhinoplasty?

What are the limitations of rhinoplasty surgery?

I've heard I can have rhinoplasty without surgery – is this true?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty does exist. However, the ability to change the nose's appearance using this technique is minimal. Non-surgical, or "liquid," rhinoplasty involves injecting a filler material, like hyaluronic acid, into your nose. This type of material is frequently used to correct wrinkles and provide volume enhancement in the face (like plumping up the lips). We can use this to fill in minor depressions on the nose, but it will not provide any significant change to the nose and should not be considered a substitute for surgery in most cases. It is also temporary and will need to be repeated frequently.

Does insurance cover my rhinoplasty surgery?

Because insurance companies vary on coverage guidelines, you must check with your specific insurance company regarding their policy. It is helpful for you to review your coverage policy before your consultation. Surgery related only to correcting the functional aspect of your breathing may be covered by insurance. Any surgery to correct the appearance of your nose will likely not be covered by insurance. Many patients have both a functional and an aesthetic component to their nasal concerns, and payment for surgery will probably be a combination of insurance coverage for the functional aspect and out-of-pocket expense for the remainder of the aesthetic component. You will need to discuss this with our team and your insurance company to understand what will and will not be covered.

Will I be awake or asleep for surgery?

Whether you're awake or sedated during surgery is dependent on your preference as well as your surgeon's. Some patients want to be under "twilight" because they feel it's safer than general anesthesia, and other patients prefer general anesthesia because they "want to be out" and not know what's going on. It is crucial to remember that general anesthesia is very safe for those patients who are generally healthy. Additionally, some surgeons have a preference and will only perform your rhinoplasty surgery one way or the other. Regardless, both types of anesthesia are acceptable, and you must develop a plan with your surgeon before surgery.

Will I have to stay in the hospital after surgery?

Most rhinoplasty surgery today is performed outpatient, and you will be discharged home on the same day. On rare occasions, there may be a reason to keep you in the hospital overnight. It is reasonable to perform rhinoplasty surgery at an accredited ambulatory or office-based surgery center or hospital. Where your surgery will be performed is usually a surgeon's preference. If you are coming in from out of town and would like to stay in the Chicago area, please ask our office for hotel options. You will need to stay near Chicago for 7-10 days for post-operative care.

I want my nose to be smaller, but I want to maintain my ethnic look. Is this possible?

Absolutely. The goal of rhinoplasty should be a natural appearance that maintains your overall look but makes your nose less noticeable. The purpose of rhinoplasty should not be to place the same nose on every face, which gives most people a surgical or "operated-on" look. There are ways to change the appearance of your nose to alleviate your specific concerns while maintaining the ethnic characteristics of your nose. For instance, you may want the hump on the bridge of your nose softened but avoid the "ski-jump" or "scooped-out" rhinoplasty result. The best way to ensure that you are happy with your outcome is to discuss with your surgeon to make sure they are aware of your specific concerns.

Will my nose look natural after rhinoplasty? I don't want to look like I had my nose "done."

There are many different ideas of what the "ideal" nose should look like. However, there is no truly "ideal" nose for rhinoplasty. The goal of rhinoplasty is individual. When this is done correctly, the result is a natural, un-operated look that blends the nose harmoniously into the rest of the face. Rather than notice you've had your nose "done," the nose should no longer be apparent, and attention will instead be focused on the rest of your facial features (the most common of which being your eyes). When this happens, the ultimate goal has been achieved, where previous concerns disappear, and facial harmony is achieved.

Why is my surgeon talking about my chin during my rhinoplasty consultation?

Facial harmony is a term used to describe how all of the different components of your face fit together to create an overall pleasing appearance. Of all the structures on the face, the chin has the strongest perceptive association with the nose, especially when your nose is viewed from the side. Changing the size and position of your chin can make your nose look bigger or smaller, even if the nose itself is unaltered! Therefore, your surgeon may discuss this relationship during your rhinoplasty consultation.

What is the difference between open and closed rhinoplasty?

Open rhinoplasty refers to one approach to surgery, where a small incision is made on the underside of your nose in addition to incisions on the inside of the nose. Your nasal skin can then be lifted off the underlying bony and cartilaginous framework, enabling the surgeon to see the nose structures directly. In closed rhinoplasty, no external incision is made, and the work is done entirely through incisions inside the nose. Surgeons who use the closed approach believe it eliminates the superficial scar, which indeed it does. However, the closed approach limits the surgical view of the underlying nasal structure, where the majority of the work needs to be done. Additionally, the external scars uniformly heal exceptionally well and are typically of no concern. Regardless of the differences, both approaches are acceptable. The process your surgeon chooses depends entirely on their comfort with that particular technique. Most rhinoplasty surgery is done through the open approach, a testament to the fact that the external scar created with this approach heals exceptionally well in almost every patient. Much of the time, this scar heals so well that it can even be hard to find. Even surgeons who use the open approach most of the time may elect to perform a closed rhinoplasty for purely functional surgeries or more minor revisions when indicated.

What are the limitations of rhinoplasty surgery?

The two significant limitations of receiving a nose job in Chicago are nasal skin thickness and post-operative scar formation. The thickness of your skin is determined by the time you are born, and it is challenging to change. Therefore, if you have very thick skin, there are limitations regarding how small and well-defined the nose can be. Conversely, if you have very thin skin, the nose can be made small and well-defined, but any abnormalities under the skin may become more apparent as the swelling subsides. Scar formation is another element controlled by the nature of the healing process. Once surgery is completed, scar tissue begins to form. If an excessive amount forms under the skin, it can prevent the nose from getting as small and well-defined as you might like. There can be no guarantee that your nose will be perfectly straight after surgery, especially if it was crooked before surgery. Additionally, there will likely be some degree of asymmetry with your nose, albeit small. Fortunately, asymmetry is entirely normal, and almost everyone has some degree of asymmetry in their facial features naturally. Despite these limitations, as long as you feel that your surgeon understands your concerns and you feel comfortable with what can be done to address your concerns surgically, you can expect a high degree of satisfaction following surgery.

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